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Are Malicious Insiders REALLY Your Number One Security Vulnerability
Last year, malicious outsiders were the number one source of these breaches, accounting for 58 per cent of breaches, says digital security firm Gemalto's latest Breach Level Index.
Average UK Connection Speed Better Than You Might Think
All European countries surveyed recently experienced a quarterly increase in average connection speeds, with double digit gains being posted by Norway (15%) and the UK (10%). But in the UK, year-over-year - 21%, says Akamai.
British Youth Would Rather Start Their Own Business
According to a study by Nectar, the company most known for its points reward card, 16-30 year-olds in the UK favour entrepreneurship over working up the career ladder.
Broadband Speeds Affect Housing Prices And Would-Be Buyers
Research by property-finding website Rightmove has found that people looking to buy a property may decide against it if broadband speeds are slow in the area.
Business Growth Will Be Driven by Innovation, Says Infosys Report
Infosys, a provider of consulting, technology and outsourcing solutions, has released a report today that claims innovation, adoption of the latest technology and utilising new markets are essential for business development.
CA Technologies: UK Firms Are Falling Behind In The Digital Race
Vendor publishes research that says UK companies are slow in adopting digital transformation initiatives - which is hurting their business chances.
Cloud “Most Disruptive Force” For 20 Years
Cloud computing is one of the most disruptive forces in business in 20 years, according to a study by professional services firm KPMG.
Cloud Could Be As ‘Big As Computing’
The cloud revolution could be as big as that created by the impact of data processing on business itself, industry experts have claimed.
Consumers Give Big Thumbs Up To Virtual Reality
Market analyst GfK says in its new global poll that for a quarter of online consumers, the stuff's 'as good as being there'.
eCommerce Has Cost Firms, But Seems To Be Paying Off At Last
The 2016 State of the Digital Commerce report, published by salesforce eCommerce integration company CloudCraze, says 70% of companies have spent more than £710,000 on their website - in fact, 30% have spent more than double.
Employers Do Not Value Training But IT Professionals Do
A survey by IT social community website Spiceworks has discovered that professionals in the area place high value on technology training - but employers do not share their opinion.
Energy Firms At Risk From Major Cyber Attacks
Energy suppliers are particularly vulnerable from cyber attacks because of the industrial control systems they use, according to new research.
Father Christmas May Spend £17bn Online This Year
The good boys and girls of Adobe analysed how consumers behaved during the Christmas shopping season in the past seven years, and have come up with a prediction on how it might play out this year. Short version: very well for e-commerce. Not so good for Elves.
Google Successor Alphabet Overtales Apple For #1 World Firm Slot
According to Alphabet’s latest financial reports (its first fourth quarter earnings ever), the company’s market value sits at about $570 billion (£396.1bn), which is $35 billion more than Apple.
IoT Latest Tool In Car Insurance Sector's Tech Approach
The Internet of Things is being used by car insurance companies to cut their costs, a new study by Business Insider claims.
IT Directors Important Part of Business Strategy, Says Report
IT directors and CIOs are playing a continually increasing part in the strategic direction of UK businesses, according to a new report.
IT Profs Feeling The Heat
Security breaches, data theft and various cyber-threats with expensive consequences have put a lot of pressure on IT executives everywhere, a disturbing new study by Trustwave suggests.
IT Security Big Headache For One In Three SMEs
Small to medium sized businesses lack the resources they need to protect themselves against malware attacks, says new study.
IT Types Now Feel Safer In The Cloud Than On-Premise
IT professionals believe their organisation’s data is more secure in the cloud than in on-premise machines, a new survey by Evolve IP, entitled 2016 Cloud Adoption suggests.
Mobile Premier Online Retail Channel For UK Customers
Data from the IMRG Capgemini Quarterly Benchmarking report reveals that, for the first time ever, more than half of visits to retail sites in the UK come from mobile devices.

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