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Both US And UK Want More Cyber Security Experts
As cyber threats increase every day, so does the demand for more cyber security experts.
Clock's Ticking For Safe Harbour Rescue Efforts
European privacy regulators plan to take matters into their own hands inside three months if no back up comes forward, reports Reuters.
Japan Brought Under US Cyber Defence Umbrella
The same day when Japan’s pension system got hacked and 1.25 million cases of personal data leaked, the US and Japan’s governments issued a joint statement, saying the US will bring Japan under its cyber defence umbrella.
Research Suggest 15% Of Americans Don't Go Online
There is a certain number of American adults that stays offline regardless of how available to the masses it is.
US Dismay At End Of 'Safe Harbour' Deal With Europe
Possible closure of offshore US company outlets mooted, as privacy 'victory' cheers start to fade.
US Military Trying To Develop New Type Of Password
The US military is looking for a way to integrate “what you do” into your password.

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