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Amazing Tale Of Bangladesh Bank Hacking Near-Miss
A hacker group managed to discover the Bangladesh Banks codes for facilitating foreign remittances and perpetrated one of the biggest bank robberies of all time - but were discovered by a typo.
Cisco Patches OSPF Fault
In an advisory released last week, the company confirmed that a section of code allowed attackers to inject a false route into a network and blackhole or intercept traffic.
Dropbox Denies Hack Despite Reports Of 7 Million Compromised Accounts
The cloud storage platform has moved quickly to dismiss suggestions that it has been hacked, claiming that the credentials leaked online were stolen from third-party sites.
Facebook Addresses Security Flaw In Mobile Version
The latest update to Facebook's mobile app has fixed a security flaw that could have seen users' mobile phone bills suddenly increase.
GCHQ Becomes Immune To Hacking Laws Following Quiet Law Change
UK government intelligence agencies such as GCHQ are now immune from prosecution for hacking into computers and mobile devices after Parliament quietly amended the law.
General Public Advised To Change All Passwords In The Face Of “Grave” Security Flaw
A security vulnerability that affects the OpenSSL cryptography library has led web firms to advise customers to change all passwords in order to prevent being duped.
Hacking Of Rail Signals A Possibility
A government scientist advisor has warned that an upgrade to a hi-tech signalling system in control of all Britain’s train has the potential to be hacked and cause a serious crash.
How secure is the magical land of the cloud?
Believe it or not, the cloud is not a magical wonderland that protects your data, nor does it have any unique and unheard of risks. Of course, when something is ‘over there’, it feels like it’s less your problem. So many things that would have perhaps been a nagging feeling about a server you set...
ICO Gets Involved After Carphone Warehouse Hack
As you may have seen yesterday, Carphone Warehouse has been hit by a major hacking incident, and the Information Commissioner’s office is now looking into the matter.
Oldest Hacking Group In Europe Blocked By UK Web Filter
The Great Firewall of Britain (also called The Great Firewall of Cameron) has blocked internet users in the United Kingdom from accessing Chaos Computer Club’s (CCC) website.
OpenSSL "Heartbleed" Bug Exposes User Data To Cyber Criminals
Researchers have uncovered a two-year old bug in OpenSSL that could allow attackers to sneak in and change encryption keys, effectively giving them access to all data passing through.
Polish Airline Grounded After Cyber Attack
Ten flights were cancelled yesterday, and another 12 delayed, after a cyber-attack forced Poland’s national airline LOT to take action.
Security Flaws Could Give Hackers Control Of Power Plants And Oil Rigs
A discovery by security firm Rapid7 has revealed that the heavy machinery at more than 7,000 industrial complexes is operating on easily-hackable software that could be remotely controlled.
Snowden Now Saying No UK Mobile Safe From Prying Eyes
In a new BBC Panorama interview, Snowden claims that GCHQ ‘Smurf’ programs were used by the agency to invade targeted mobiles. Is he right? (And how would we know?)
Trains, Boats, Planes Are New Targets For Cybercrime
Organised Criminal Gangs (OCGs) are now conducting a rapidly growing number of increasingly sophisticated cyber-attacks on all major forms of transport – primarily air travel, shipping and trains.
UK Arrests 56 Cyber Criminals In Cyber Crime 'Strike Week'
A number of suspected cyber criminals have been arrested in the UK, as part of a co-ordinated “strike week.”
US And UK Prepare For Cyber Attacks By Simulating Them
The UK and the US will together simulate large-scale cyber-attacks in a bid to better prepare for an actual cyber-attack, following an unprecedented assault on Sony Pictures, as well as newer attacks on the US government’s social media profiles.
US Military Contractor Systems Hit By Chinese Hackers
A total of 12 different contractors were breached by the hackers and the companies targeted deal with US military logistics such as transportation of weapons and personnel.
Watch Out - Teens Think Hacking Is 'Cool'
In response to Safer Internet Day 2016, Kaspersky Lab has released research showing that just over one in ten of 16 to 19 year olds in the UK know someone who has engaged in a cyber- activity that could be deemed illegal.
Why Your EPoS Is Your Worst Enemy
Retail and hospitality industries have been the most hacked sectors since 2010, the reason - their electronic point of sales systems. Find out how.

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