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Aussie VPN Users "Suspicious" Says BBC Worldwide
A submission to the Australian federal government mentioned that ISPs should be made to closely monitor any Internet users going through a VPN due to piracy concerns.
Broadband Customers Trapped By £600 'Cancellation Fees'
A charity has revealed the extent of a broadband based con that has been legally swindling customers out of hundreds of pounds in “cancellation fees.”
Cable Broadband Connections Faster Than Fibre Optic In UK
A report released by Ofcom shows that average cable broadband speeds are faster than fibre optic connections and the situation will remain the same for some time.
Large Web Based Firms Protest Net Neutrality Laws
Several major online businesses are expected to hold some form of protest this week against proposals that could see ISPs increase charges for faster Internet access.
Ofcom Looks To Encourage Growth Of UK Broadband Providers
The communications regulator wants to apply a number of rules and regulations on Openreach to make sure that the UK’s broadband roll out continues at a fast pace.
Sky Phone And Broadband Hit By Major Outage
Sky customers who live around the Manchester or Liverpool area have been hit by a major attack of the gremlins today.
Smaller ISPs Give Better Customer Satisfaction
Smaller ISPs are successfully satisfying their customers more than the large broadband service providers in the UK, according to a new study from Which.
Three Million Responses Received In FCC Net Neutrality Debate
The debate, which centres on the introduction of Internet fast lanes, at extra cost, for high-bandwidth services, was also subject to an online slowdown protest last week from Netflix and Twitter.
UK ISPs Caught Off Guard By UK "Emergency" Snooping Bill
A new bill being rushed through parliament by Prime Minister David Cameron sets to change the way data is collected and telecommunications companies have been caught unawares.
UK ISPs Customer Satisfaction Sees 3% Rise
The group are no longer the worst when it comes to consumer satisfaction and the group of smaller ISPs classed as “All Others” came out on top of the pile.
UK ISPs Must Block Sites Selling Counterfeit Goods
A complaint from luxury goods provider Richemont has resulted in the first ruling to see sites blocked for selling fake versions of trademarked items, rather than copyright infringement.
UK Prime Minister Warns "Internet Cannot Be Ungoverned"
David Cameron has called for governments around the world to do more to prevent the spread of extremist material online.
Which Wants Action On ISP Broadband Speed Advertising
Which has demanded that ISPs clean up their act when it comes to advertising broadband speeds.

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