Globally, people are beginning to realise they can’t continue using resources, especially water, with such abandon as they have in the past. But could big data solve our problems in the future?
The Greater East Midlands (GEM) Commissioning Support Unit (CSU) has announced it is exploring new ways of analysing data in order to serve patients better.
Big data is a familiar term to everyone in the world of IT and it's expected to continue impacting everyone across all aspects of their lives.
IBM joins in with Microsoft and Facebook in tackling the Ebola crisis in Africa, pledging its supercomputer and data-crunching capabilities to help track the deadly virus.
If the NHS is to hit its efficiency targets, then making effective use of technology and Business Intelligence (BI) will be critical - not just because of the need to find savings, argues Trustmarque BI expert Nathaniel van Gulck.
Aaron Beach, senior data scientist at email marketing experts SendGrid, offers some genuinely useful advice here.
Here's some advice for SMEs on the topic of making the most out of big data, and how it can change your company for the better.