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“Smart Vision” Is Needed In CIOs, Says Socitm
CIOs and ICT heads must develop a “smart vision” for their cities, region or other local area, claims public ICT representative body Socitm.
A ‘Roads Revolution’ To Solve The Congestion Problem
As the Government embarks on an £11 billion road revolution, Graham Bradley, UK Country Manager at INRIX, discusses how Smart Motorways can significantly reduce congestion on our roads.
BSI Publishes New Smart Cities Guidance
The British Standards Institution (BSI) has published two documents in support of the government’s smart cities standardisation strategy.
BT, Intel And IBM Work Togther To Spark Internet Of Things Adoption
The new specification is designed to reduce the number of individual APIs needed by firms that design devices for smart cities and homes.
Is The UK Losing Out On £9BN Worth Of 'Smart' Savings?
How? By businesses failing to utilise smart technology appropriately in their organisation and consumers' lack of understanding of how smart tech could benefit them, claims Samsung.
Opinion: 5 Techs About To Transform Energey - Forever
The energy sector has been hit by a new wave of technology and we must now maximise the opportunities presented by the onset of big data and smart systems, thinks Hitachi's Olaf Heil, EMEA-CIS Social Innovation Business Platform CEO.
Opinion: IoT + The Cuts = The Basis, At Last, For Smart Cities?
The term Smart City has been in operation for some time, admits Nick McNamara, VP Sales EU at Eseye - but it looks like the hype's finally coming true.
Smart Cities and WiFi
Cities worldwide are harnessing the power of telecommunications and fast-paced technological developments to get themselves connected and working smarter and more efficiently in terms of use of resources, improved service delivery and quality of life, while supporting the low carbon economy.
Smart Cities Need An Opt-In Model
ITProPortal spoke to Rashik Parmar about the increasingly pressing topic of smart cities, and why the next generation of urban connectivity will have to be built on opt-in models.
Smart Cities Will Have Almost 10bn Devices By 2020
In 2015, there will be 1.1 billion connected devices to the Internet of things being used in smart cities. But in 2020 – that number will rise to 9.7 billion.
Smarter Cities To "Transform Way We Live"
Where are our cities headed in the future? What can we expect from the long sought after “smart cities”? Can we really expect anything different?
Successful Election Campaigns Cannot Ignore The Digital Economy
Anthony Sherick, MD of specialist jobsite Technojobs, voices his concerns for the digital economy and urges election campaigns to address the skills shortage in the UK’s fast-growing technology sector.
UK To “Take Advantage” Of Future Cities Market
The UK has a rich ecosystem for urban innovation that positions the country to take advantage of the £200bn global future cities market, claims a new report.
What Do UK Internet Users Fear The Most?
A survey showed that over half of UK Internet users don’t truly understand how the Internet works and despite that many are enthusiastic about the Smart Cities of the future.

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