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May Set To Revive Snooper’s Charter
Recently re-appointed Home Secretary Theresa May has indicated that the new majority Conservative government could mean the return of the Communications Data Bill.
MP Warns Against New Data Rules Signalling Return Of Snooper's Charter
UK Home Secretary Theresa May has implemented new plans to link IP addresses to individuals that MPs and civil liberties campaigners are warning shouldn’t herald the return of a snooper’s charter.
Police ICT Procurement Still Broken, Admits Home Secretary
ICT was a “pitiful joke” in 2010 - with an annual billion pound spend on what Theresa May characterises as “inadequate” technology.
What Does The New Tory Cabinet Mean For The Digital Economy?
Following the Conservative Party’s election win last week, David Cameron, somewhat unexpectedly, is now able to form the first all-Tory cabinet since 1997.

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