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China Slaps Government Ban on Kaspersky And Symantec
China has come down hard on US-based security company Symantec and its Russian counterpart Kaspersky, removing it from the list of approved antivirus providers in Chinese government computer systems.
IT Managers Reminded IT Insurance About More Than Device Theft
Be aware of the many virtual risks that could afflict your company - and what you can do to minimise the damage caused should they occur.
Third-Party Off-Site Virtualisation Servers Used By Most Businesses
New research from Kaspersky Lab has shown that the vast majority of businesses don’t keep their virtualisation servers on-premise, and plenty of sensitive data is chucked cloud-wards.
Watch Out - Teens Think Hacking Is 'Cool'
In response to Safer Internet Day 2016, Kaspersky Lab has released research showing that just over one in ten of 16 to 19 year olds in the UK know someone who has engaged in a cyber- activity that could be deemed illegal.
We Know We're Being Tracked Online, But Really Don't Care
They’re not OK with it, yet most of them do nothing about it, says Kaspersky Labs' study.

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