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"Today, Even Small Businesses Have To Face Truly Global Problems": EU Trust In The Digital World Summit Opens In Vienna
The second annual Trust in the Digital World conference has got off to an impressive start, bringing in leaders from industry, government and digital identity to tackle the problems of the new age.
APM Warns Cyber Insurance Is Good, But No Security Replacement
Cyber insurance has become a big deal in the UK, but it’s no substitute for good cyber security.
Austrian MEP: "We Need To Protect European Data Even If It's Located In The US"
As part of a panel discussion on building trust in the digital economy, MEP Josef Weidenholzer spoke about the need for the EU government to protect its data from spying by the NSA and others.
CERT-UK Set To Tackle Cyber Threats With New Partnership
As the issue of cyber-security continues to hold prominence, security and risk management consultancy firm Falanx Group has recently announced a new two-year contract to provide managed cyber defence services to CERT-UK.
China Reveals It Has Cyber Warfare Divisions
Everyone knows that nation-states wage cyber warfare against each other.
Cyber Attack Life Sentences Proposed In Queen's Speech
An amendment to the Computer Misuse Act 1990 ensure sentences for attacks on computer systems fully reflect the damage they cause.
FBI Offers Reward For Cyber Criminal's Head
When you’re looking for a criminal, but can’t seem to find him anywhere, what do you do?
Investment Banker Slams Financial Sector In Impassioned Speech At Trust In The Digital World
In a panel discussion at the Trust in the Digital World summit in Vienna, Monaco investment banker Markus Schuller gave an impassioned talk about the wrongs taking place in the financial sector today.
Japan Brought Under US Cyber Defence Umbrella
The same day when Japan’s pension system got hacked and 1.25 million cases of personal data leaked, the US and Japan’s governments issued a joint statement, saying the US will bring Japan under its cyber defence umbrella.
Lack Of Confidence In Public Institutions Is Hampering Digital Initiatives
As part of a panel discussion on building trust in the digital economy, Konrad Walser, a senior researcher at FH Bern spoke about the need for government to achieve trust in e-government initiatives.
Mobile Identified As Weak Security Link
Hewlett Packard Enterprise today released its annual HPE Cyber Risk Report 2016, highlighting key security threats the business world has seen in the past year - with mobile getting a lot of its heat.
Opinion: Could 'Cyber Archaeology' Be Our Best Way Of Saving The Past?
Nik Stanbridge, VP Marketing, Arkivum, says it could be the key to saving our common heritage: what do you think?
Polish Airline Grounded After Cyber Attack
Ten flights were cancelled yesterday, and another 12 delayed, after a cyber-attack forced Poland’s national airline LOT to take action.
Teen TalkTalk Hacker Out On Bail
According to Scotland Yard, a 15-year-old from Ballymena, Northern Ireland, was freed on bail pending 'further inquiries'.
UK Start-ups Rising Security Concerns
The Zurich SME Risk Index, which measures British SMEs' perceived levels of business risk, has shown that figures have risen from 41.68 in Q4 2013 to 43.19 in Q1 2014.
US Slaps Biggest Ever Price On A Hacker's Head
At $3m (£1.8m) for information on the illusive Russian cyber criminal Evgeniy Bogachev, it's the highest reward for a cyber criminal ever.
US To Use Cyber Warfare In Future Conflicts
With thousands of ISIS Twitter accounts popping up every day, the cyber warfare between Ukraine and the pro-Russian rebels, the viruses designed to destroy a nuclear power plant’s turbines, hackings and cyber warfare have long ago become an integral part of any armed conflict.
Westminster's Very Keen On Building UK Plc Security Capacity
With the average cost of an online security breach for big UK businesses around £3m, is it surprising cyber security investment and skills development tops the UK Government’s agenda in 2016?

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