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Apple Plans Big Things For Its Apple Pay Service
According to The Wall Street Journal, Apple believes adding the peer-to-peer money transfer would interest millennials - and it’s been talking to a number of banks about turning that idea into a reality.
Bank Of England To Simulate Cyber War Attacks In Operation Waking Shark 3
The Bank of England is to test banking organisations’ vulnerabilities as part of a broader assessment of the reliability of their information security defences.
Banks Must Be More Agile If They Are To Keep Up With Tech City Startups
Closer collaboration between Silicon Roundabout’s technology startups and the banking sector is set to occur, according to a new report by Accenture.
Banks: Massive IT Investment To Address Digital Growth Not Needed
While it’s clear that a number of banks are lumbered with outdated IT, there are technologies available that could revitalise legacy systems without the need for massive investment.
Kaspersky Claims Malware Targeting Banks Is Growing Fast
More than half of all web-borne attacks that were blocked by Kaspersky Lab’s products were launched from malicious web resources located in Russia, a new report by Kaspersky Lab shows.
Opinion: Time To Untangle All That Back-End Spaghetti Banking Code...
Banks have been sailing on rough regulatory seas recently, with regulators and politicians on their case, says Madhur Jain, global head of resales, SunTec. A big part of the issue: all that legacy ICT...
UK Businesses Shunning Wi-Fi
Figures from Devicescape show that Wi-Fi is only available at 15 per cent of UK locations and this lags behind the worldwide average of 34 per cent.
US Regulators Warn Banks Of Rise In Cyber Attacks
The Federal Financial Institutions Examination Council has seen a rise of so-called denial-of-service (DoS) attacks on bank websites, prompting a warning to put proper measures in place
Will Banks Ever Face Up To Their Legacy Cobol Issue?
According to a recent study by Talend, an integration software provider, 48% of banking professionals cited outdated systems as the industry’s main IT challenge, with 43% claiming that it is preventing them getting on the Big Data train properly.

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