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British Museum Using Virtual Reality Headsets
Now here’s how you put modern technology to good use. The British Museum has decided to employ virtual reality headsets to send its visitors back through time into the Bronze Age.
Consumers Give Big Thumbs Up To Virtual Reality
Market analyst GfK says in its new global poll that for a quarter of online consumers, the stuff's 'as good as being there'.
Future Offices Will Look Like Hollywood Sci-Fi
Online career site for the technology community, Dice, conducted a survey to ask IT pros what they believed was the future of the office - and the answers will fascinate you.
How virtual reality is making the leap into real life
Headlines about virtual reality often focus on how it’s transforming the world of gaming. But VR is also revolutionising fields beyond entertainment — areas like medicine, architecture, education, product design, and retailing. Delivering VR is a complex challenge, especially since immersive VR requires seven times the graphics processing power of a traditional 3D application. It’s...
Opinion: Why Virtual Reality Is Going To Be Unavoidable In 2016...
Pete Borum, co-founder and CEO of video marketer Reelio, sees great potential in the technology.

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