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Americans Taking Action After NSA Surveillance
More than a third of Americans who are aware of Edward Snowden’s NSA revelations have taken at least one step to protect their information.
Amnesty Condemns “Farcical” IPT Hearing
Human rights charity Amnesty International has called last week’s Investigatory Powers Tribunal (IPT) “farcical” due to government’s refusal to explicitly confirm or deny surveillance practices.
Campaigners React Unfavourably To ISC Report
A variety of human rights and privacy campaigners and groups have reacted in a negative manner to a new Parliamentary report on massive surveillance.
Human Rights Groups Take UK To Court Over Surveillance
A group of humans rights and privacy campaigners and charities have come together to take the UK government to the European Court of Human Rights over mass surveillance practices.
Investigatory Powers Tribunal Challenges UK Surveillance
The Investigatory Powers Tribunal (IPT) is set to lead an historic legal challenge against the UK government conducting mass Internet surveillance.

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