St Andrews University has claimed its award-winning data centre has boosted IT staff morale as well as delivering £65,000 of savings to the institution.
Ahead of the government’s spending review and Autumn Statement on Wednesday 25th November, Paul Bradbury, group business development director at Civica, explores the implications of the chancellor’s fiscal plans for local authorities across the UK.
Public sector organisations must make “radical” changes to procurement processes if they are to meet new efficiency savings targets.
While yesterday’s Budget began with the good news that Britain’s economy is on the road to recovery, it’s time to consider how Chancellor George Osborne’s announcements will affect SMEs and the public sector.
In the same week that Chancellor George Osborne confirmed Government plans to reduce public spending by a further £30bn, Advanced Business Solutions (Advanced) co-hosted a roundtable with SPS Consultancy to discuss radical changes required to cope with additional funding cuts.
Wolverhampton Council will be renegotiating software contracts and making staff redundant in a bid to save £769,000 on IT costs.