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$400m Anti-Poaching Settlement Agreed In Silicon Valley Court
A number of tech companies accused of illegally trying to block staff moving to rivals have settled with the California legal system.
Adobe Considering "Case By Case" Basis Compensation Following Cloud Outage
If your business was seriously hit by last week’s prolonged Creative Cloud downtime, you might get some compensation from Adobe.
Adobe Settles 2013 Data Breach Lawsuit
Adobe has settled customer claims concerning the major data breach which occurred late in 2013, paying out an undisclosed amount to bring the matter to a close.
Cisco Security Veteran Warns Against Killing Flash
Flash might be a buggy program with multiple holes in its system. Flash might also be extremely vulnerable and a potential risk to millions of users out there.
Database Maintenance Caused Adobe Creative Cloud Downtime
Adobe was hit by a database maintenance issue which triggered an outage of over 24 hours, causing many workers serious problems, and raising questions about the cloud-based suite.
Employees Annoyed By Outdated Ways Of Working With Documents
A study of more than 5,000 office professionals across the US, UK, Germany, France and Australia exposes how antiquated business processes and outdated ways of working with documents are having a dramatic impact on productivity, efficiency and worker satisfaction.
Father Christmas May Spend £17bn Online This Year
The good boys and girls of Adobe analysed how consumers behaved during the Christmas shopping season in the past seven years, and have come up with a prediction on how it might play out this year. Short version: very well for e-commerce. Not so good for Elves.
Free Alternatives To Adobe Creative Cloud
With Adobe Creative Cloud down for 24 hours, this guide explains the plethora of alternatives that are available free-of-charge to cover the shortfall.
Microsoft Wins Regrettable Prize: Most Vulnerabilities
A new report showing products with most vulnerabilities was released, and Microsoft is on the number one spot - the first time since the introduction of the report back in 2014 that IBM is not in the lead.
Online Ad World May Be Set For A £14bn-Sized Shock
The source of the warning - PageFair and Adobe - also claim the total worldwide hit on the sector could be as high as £50 billion in lost advertising revenue by 2016.

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