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$400m Anti-Poaching Settlement Agreed In Silicon Valley Court
A number of tech companies accused of illegally trying to block staff moving to rivals have settled with the California legal system.
Apache Cassandra Skills Are At A Premium, Says Research
There is an increasing demand for NoSQL database experts, especially those highly trained on the approach, says a new survey conducted by database software for cloud applications provider DataStax.
Are IT Pros Kidding Themselves When It Comes To Retirement Age Expectations?
Everyone wants to retire early, but that’s a particularly important problem in the tech industry, as it is already lacking staff - and people leaving early will only cause even more trouble.
Cyber-Security Not A Sector Of Much Appeal To Gen Z
Those 800,000 IT security experts Europe will be missing by 2020 may not be that that easy to find, as a new study suggests millennials are not really crazy about a career in the field after all.
Demand for Linux Skills Shows Sharp 2014 Rise
77% of hiring managers have “hiring Linux talent” on their list of priorities for 2014 - up from 70 a year ago.
House Of Lords Warned: We Face A Huge Cyber Security Skills Crisis
A tiny 0.6% of 2012-13 graduates entered cyber security job roles, Select Committee told.
Network Rail Helps Girls Enter Tech Profession
Network Rail has detailed how the winners of its 'Could IT Be You?' competition to encourage more young women into technology careers plan to move forward.
One In Four UK Firms Outsource At Least Some IT Jobs
IT resourcing specialist Experis says there's a definite rise in interest.
Opinion: How To Be A Data Super Hero!
Self-proclaimed 'IT admin and superhero' Kent Row of SolarWinds is faster than a speeding bullet! Or something.
Opinion: Why Are Bosses Stressing Out Their Valued IT Teams?
For Peter Tsai, an IT Analyst at Spiceworks, overworking employees is a risky proposition for organisations of all sizes.
Right IT Skills = Big IT Salaries, Says New Study
React, Docker and Grunt were the top three skills with the highest demand and growth, but Ansible and Casandra skills still lead the way with highest salaries.
Surge In UK Student Interest In Coding Degrees
Teens are favouring coding and software development first degrees over Law or Medicine.
UK Public Lacks British Army IT Roles Knowledge
Around half of citizens in the UK are unaware of the existence of IT and communications British Army careers, according to a new survey.
UK Tech Sector Reports Continuing Growth In IT Employment
IT recruitment firm Experis has published a new Tech Cities Job Watch report for the first quarter of 2015 in the UK, showing a welcome increase in permanent positions in the technology industry.

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