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Energy Monitor Set To Save UK £2.8b On Energy Bills
Smappee’s energy monitors claim to save each household around £110 a year on bills by monitoring where energy is being wasted and stops it from happening.
Is The UK Losing Out On £9BN Worth Of 'Smart' Savings?
How? By businesses failing to utilise smart technology appropriately in their organisation and consumers' lack of understanding of how smart tech could benefit them, claims Samsung.
Just 2% Of Savings Predicted For Consumers Installing Smart Meters
According to the Public Accounts Committee, installing smart meters to measure energy use will save households just £26 a year on average, despite each meter having a £215 installation fee.
People Don't Know What Smart Meters Do Says Survey
There’s plenty of confusion when it comes to the rollout of smart meters across the UK, and exactly how they can benefit the customers of utility companies, according to a new study from SQS and YouGov.
Smart Meters Vulnerable To Hackers Wanting To Make Savings
Security researchers in Spain worked for six months on the project that found significant flaws in the security of smart meters allowing figures to be reported differently to a utility company.

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