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70% Of Critical Infrastructure Firms Lose Confidential Data
A survey of almost 600 security executives from utility, oil and gas, energy and manufacturing firms found that large numbers have lost some kind of confidential information.
Annual Toll Of Cybercrime Could Be £1.6Bn In UK Alone
Cybersecurity Insights Report reveals how heavily British consumers have been affected by cybercrime.
Cybersecurity To Be Embedded In UK Computing Degrees
A consortium of industry, academia and government bodies in the UK has created a set of cybersecurity learning guidelines to be embedded into IT related degrees.
How secure is the magical land of the cloud?
Believe it or not, the cloud is not a magical wonderland that protects your data, nor does it have any unique and unheard of risks. Of course, when something is ‘over there’, it feels like it’s less your problem. So many things that would have perhaps been a nagging feeling about a server you set...
Is spear phishing a threat to your business security?
As the end of the financial year looms, many of us are looking at budgets and earmarking areas in our businesses that require spending in the next tax year. IT is one function that I know can cause some sleepless nights for CFOs looking to balance spending with positive ROI. [see_also] IT security is one...
Japan Brought Under US Cyber Defence Umbrella
The same day when Japan’s pension system got hacked and 1.25 million cases of personal data leaked, the US and Japan’s governments issued a joint statement, saying the US will bring Japan under its cyber defence umbrella.
Kaspersky CEO Rubbishes Symantec Claim That “Antivirus Is Dead”
The cyber security veteran stated that antivirus software is still “alive and kicking” and that Symantec’s senior VP of information security was simple repeating past sentiments on antivirus.
Obama Pushes Cyber Security At State Of The Union Speech
US President Barack Obama has promised to push cyber security reforms in his annual State of the Union address to the Congress.
Oops: Cyber Defences Only Effective 'Half The Time'
Basically, we need to re-think the Internet, then? Security firm Venafi takes a view.
Opinion: After TalkTalk, What Next?
For CEO of cyber security firm KCS Group, the mature response to recent data breaches is to engage - like it or not - with the Dark Web.
Uncle Sam: We Are Facing More And More Cyber Attacks
The number of incidents hitting Federal networks is up two-thirds over the past five years, admits Washington.

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