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China Sticks With Windows XP To Avoid The Cost Of Upgrades
The Chinese government has decided that it will stick with using Windows XP as the operating system of choice, rather than upgrading to a newer platform. The decision, it says, its to avoid costs.
Even Pirates Will Get A Free Windows 10 Update
As Windows  10 release draws ever closer, we get more details about the upcoming operating system from Microsoft.
Majority Of Companies To Upgrade From Windows Server 2003 Before Support Ends
A new report shows that the vast majority of businesses who are still running Windows Server 2003 are planning to upgrade before support for the OS ends on 14 July 2015.
Opinion: Time To Untangle All That Back-End Spaghetti Banking Code...
Banks have been sailing on rough regulatory seas recently, with regulators and politicians on their case, says Madhur Jain, global head of resales, SunTec. A big part of the issue: all that legacy ICT...
ResearchKit now includes genetic data
The iPhone’s medical research framework, the open-source ResearchKit, has gotten a new upgrade. With it, researchers will be able to incorporate patients’ genetic data into their studies in what Apple calls ‘seamless, simple and low cost way’. The upgrade was done by genetic testing company 23andMe. “The response to ResearchKit has been fantastic. Virtually overnight,...
UK Armed Forces Getting Big Comms Tech Fix
Military communication technology is about to get a £175 million upgrade, V3 has reported on Friday.

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