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Angry London Tech City Startups Criticise Broadband
According to startups, London’s blooming technology scene is being stifled by a frustratingly easy problem to fix: Poor Internet connection services.
Banks Must Be More Agile If They Are To Keep Up With Tech City Startups
Closer collaboration between Silicon Roundabout’s technology startups and the banking sector is set to occur, according to a new report by Accenture.
Government Halts £50m Tech City Regeneration Grant
Regeneration plans, including the construction of a civic centre with a 400-seater auditorium, have been put on hold after the government withdrew the money set aside for the scheme.
Government To Public: We Need Your Digital Help!
Digital Economy Minister Ed Vaizey has called on public and industry to share their ideas on how the UK’s digital revolution can be taken to the next stage.
London Councillors Call For Tech City Investment
Councillors in the London Boroughs of Hackney and Islington have been left in the dark after plans to regenerate Tech City were quietly scrapped.
London Tech Industry To Contribute £12bn To Economy By 2024
New rules on migrant workers will see technology growth hit 5.1 per cent every year between now and 2024 as companies are able to pick and choose from the best talent.
London's Tech Start-Ups Get £35m Government Investment
The UK government has announced the launch of the London Co-Investment Fund (LCIF) in order to address the funding gap faced by the capital’s tech startups.
Opinion: Let's Not Let London's Tech Promise Wither On The Vine
Tech in London is booming, says Fiona Twycross, Chair of the London Assembly Economy Committee. But that doesn't mean we don't have a lot more to do...
Tech Jobs Power 48% Growth In North West Vacancies
Jobs in the region’s tech sector are helping to fuel a trend that has seen vacancy levels rise by 48 per cent with IT professionals in particular demand.
UK IT Industry Figures Join Cabinet Office Tech Reform Team
Joanna Shields, Chair of Tech City UK, will be joining the Prime Minister’s Digital Taskforce as adviser on the country's digital economy, while current Dragon's Den TV star and business expert Piers Linney is also being offered a consulting role in central government.
UK Potential For World’s Digital Capital
The UK is fast becoming a “digital powerhouse” that could become digital capital of the world, according to the chairman of London’s Tech City.
Virgin Media Sets Out To Improve Broadband For Small Businesses In Tech City
Virgin Media Business has announced new plans to create fibre optic speeds in a new start-up hotspot in East London named ‘Tech City’, where several small technology business are set-up.

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