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Berners-Lee Wants MPs To Learn Coding
Sir Tim Berners-Lee, inventor of the World Wide Web, claims more politicians need to have coding abilities to effectively legislate on technology.
BT Launches Computing Project For Teachers
Telecoms giant BT and IT education organisation Barefoot Computing Project have teamed together to help prepare teachers for the new computing curriculum.
Moving Away From A Parental Relationship With Employees
Peter Kelly, the managing director of Virgin Media Business, spoke at Internet World 2014 about how mobile, agile working practices are cracking open the world of work, and how you can stay ahead.
Mozilla To Launch "Developer Friendly" Browser
The open-source firm will officially reveal the browser on 10 November, aiming to simplify the development of web-based software and enabling developers to “debug the whole web.”
Opinion: How Can We Best Train The Next Gen Of Programmers?
Dr Don Syme of Microsoft Research says we need to do more to bridge the gap between research and industry.
Parents Starting To Push Kids To Study Computer, Not Foreign, Languages
In a new study six out of 10 parents would prefer their children to learn Python instead of French.
Surge In UK Student Interest In Coding Degrees
Teens are favouring coding and software development first degrees over Law or Medicine.

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