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"Digital Businesses Need Bimodal IT To Succeed" Say Analysts
Industry analysts at Gartner have emphasised the importance of CIOs taking a bimodal approach to strike a balance between fluid innovation and stability. Rather than resisting change, organisations need to adapt to ensure that the continuous disruptions facing their business are turned into new opportunities. Read more: EMC survey finds 73% worried about keeping pace with...
Could Public Cloud Investment Double By 2017?
451 Research thinks the proportion of spending on public cloud storage is set to double in the next two years, with on-premises storage being the biggest loser in the game.
Does The Boardroom Create A Barrier To Better Security?
The importance of security varies depending on your role at an organisation, but it's those who occupy the boardroom who hold all of the keys.
GDS Set To Receive Extra Budget
The Government Digital Service (GDS) will be receiving a funding boost as central government begins to move away from large expiring IT outsourcing deals over the next few years.
IoT And Big Data Set To Make Big Contribution To UK Plc
According to a new research done by the Centre for Economics and Business Research (Cebr) and SAS, it could be as much as £322 billion more into the UK economy by 2020.
IoT And Smart City Apps £40m Development: A Waste Of Funds?
George Osborne’s announcement that the government will pledge £40 million in funds to develop applications for the Internet of Things and Smart Cities got me thinking.
IT Budgets Are Up... By A Measly 1%, Though
Plus, IT headcount is expected to stay pretty much the same - despite the fact that the demand for IT experts has exploded.
Security budgets are growing, but not fast enough
As an answer to the ever increasing threats of cyber-attacks, the security budgets across various industries are growing, a new survey by The Institute of Information Security Professionals (IISP) suggests. However, the rise in budgets is not enough to tackle the problem. The report is based on answers of more than 2,500 members of the...
Ten Reasons Why Businesses Should Implement Budgeting And Forecasting Technology
Business applications and services provider Advanced Business Solutions has offered up ten reasons why businesses that wish to capitalise on the strengthening UK economy should invest in budgeting and forecasting technology.
The Budget, Public Sector, Technology And SMEs
While yesterday’s Budget began with the good news that Britain’s economy is on the road to recovery, it’s time to consider how Chancellor George Osborne’s announcements will affect SMEs and the public sector.
What Can We Expect To See In Today's Budget?
Ahead of this afternoon’s budget announcement by George Osbourne, scheduled to start at 12.15pm, various industry experts have offered their analysis on what to expect and what it may mean for the technology industry.

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