Cloud experts will soon be able to boast of being an Amazon Web Services professional after the company unveiled its first ever professional grade examination that aims to recognise the most proficient AWS users around.
The AWS Certified Solutions Architect – Professional Level exam is a part of the AWS Global Certification Program and offers solutions architects, SysOps administrators, and developers the chance to validate advanced technical skills and experience.
Anyone that is interested in taking the professional level exam first has to be certified as an AWS Certified Solutions Architect – Associate Level and possess “multiple years of hands-on experience designing and deploying cloud architecture on AWS.”
As well as this, the exam requires participants to have the ability to evaluate cloud application requirements and provide architectural recommendations for implementation, deployment, and provisioning of apps on AWS.
The exam itself will test a variety of different cloud concepts and AWS reminds students to brush up on a number of specific areas, including:
AWS has issued an exam guide that provides the knowledge that is needed in both AWS and general IT to pass the exam in addition to links to training courses and online materials that give more information.
More help can be acquired through the instructor-led Architecting on AWS – Advanced Concepts course that currently has a 20 per cent discount until 30 September using the code MK20BRAADV314 that it applies to all classes delivered by AWS.