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A Special London 'Loft' To Boost Coder Interest In Amazon Web Services
Amazon Web Services is making a big push here, with this new facility so close to 'Silicon Roundabout.'
£25BN Ain't No Big Deal Anymore, Investors Tell Amazon
Wall St unimpressed with commerce giant's largest quarterly profit ever.
Amazon CTO Claims Cloud Must Be Focused On User Needs
A European cloud network needs to benefit users, rather than providers' needs, says Werner Vogels. Lowering the barrier of entry will lead to more experimentation.
Amazon Eyeing Microsoft For Corporate Email Service
Amazon is about to enter the corporate email market currently dominated by Google and Microsoft.
Amazon Touts New AWS Appliance
Amazon has revealed a pretty substantial piece of hardware for transferring large amounts of data to the cloud. Step forward 'Amazon Snowball.'
Amazon Web Services Invests In Huge Solar Farm
Amazon Web Services (AWS) is about to become a lot more environmentally friendly after announcing the construction of an 80 megawatt solar farm.
Amazon Web Services Professional Level Exam Hits The Classroom
The world’s largest cloud service provider is offering the certification to recognise those that are most proficient at using the service and it will sit alongside the Associate Level accreditation.
AWS Claims Cloud Computing Is "New Normal" For Enterprises
Cloud computing is growing at such a pace that it is becoming the “new normal” with businesses and enterprises turning to it without giving a second thought to on-premise offerings. Read more: Demystifying cloud computing jargon: A guide to understanding the future of IT infrastructure Amazon Web Services [AWS], one of the world’s largest cloud...
Dropbox's Moved Off AWS Entirely, It Says
Look at Dropbox, all grown up and now using, almost entirely, its own custom-built infrastructure to hold data.
Eduserv Partners With Amazon For Low Cost Public Sector Cloud Solution
Not-for-profit managed cloud services provider Eduserv has teamed up with e-commerce giant Amazon to develop a reasonably priced cloud solution that meets the needs of the public sector.
Google Cuts Cost By 10% In Cloud Wars
The search engine has announced cuts to the Compute Engine component of its cloud platform, in a move that is likely to prompt AWS and Azure to make cuts of their own.
Google Tempts StartUps With Free $100K Worth Of Cloud Tech
And you won't just be getting free storage: successful start up applicants will also get 24x7 support and access to Google’s technical expertise, promises the company.
Microsoft Releases Azure For Government And Public Sector
Microsoft has announced that its cloud infrastructure is ready to accept government clients, particularly US public sector customers in federal, state and local organisations.
Oracle Seems To Be Gunning For Both AWS And Azure
Oracle CEO Safra Catz made some interesting but confusing statements to the press after she revealed the company's latest quarter financial reports, observers contend.

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