DVLA Supports Technology Start-ups in Wales

May 19, 2014

The Driver and Vehicle Licensing Agency (DVLA) is holding discussions with universities and start-ups in south Wales to promote the growth of local technology talent.

The DVLA, part of the Department for Transport (DfT), is in the process of committing to the government’s digital by default agenda.

The Swansea-based government Agency is collaborating with local higher education institutions, tech entrepreneur supporters TechHub and IT certification provider Software Alliance Wales as part of its digitisation programme.

It is aiming to build several online services that include full licence renewal, provisional licence registration and tax disc renewal – the latter of which is now in public testing.

The Government Digital Service (GDS) has been helping the Agency, but its services are being built in-house by the IT department comprising of 340 employees.

DVLA Aiming To Speed Up Digital Transformation

Following on from criticism that much more work is needed for the DVLA to achieve digital transformation, the organisation has now reached out for local talent and partnerships.

Oliver Morley, chief executive and digital leader at the Agency claimed his organisation needs a “vibrant employment market of technologists.”

His colleague Iain Patterson, the DVLA’s technology director, echoed his comments, adding that it would be putting Agency technologies into universities, allowing students access and ultimate preparing them to work in government.

The DVLA also claims that the partnerships will help it find more Agile companies to work with, as well as the convenience of not having to travel “unnecessarily” to London.

The Agency hopes its new initiatives will help it participate in the government’s commitment to do 25% of all business with SMEs by 2015.  

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