The certainty of a majority government will bring benefits for suppliers to the public sector software and IT services (SITS) market, an analyst at TechMarketView has claimed.
Birmingham City Council has renegotiated its outsourced Service Birmingham contract, with the aim of saving £150m over a seven-year period.
The Department for Energy and Climate Change (DECC) and the Department for Business, Innovation and Skills (BIS) have claimed recently reported IT problems are not as large as they are said to be.
French IT services firm Bull has bagged a contract with South Lanarkshire Council to manage its IT infrastructure and datacentres.
Hampshire County Council has chosen business outsourcing solutions provider Capita to provide it with new IT systems for children’s services and schools.
An XP support deal for the wider public sector has been agreed between the Crown Commercial Service (CCS) and IT giant Microsoft.
The Crown Commercial Service (CCS) has issued a tender to create a specialist public sector supply database of enterprise software for the public sector.
The National Audit Office (NAO) has refused to sign off the statutory child maintenance schemes account on the grounds of “significant” IT problems.
Cloud eCommerce marketplace cloudBuy Chairman and CIO Ronald Duncan will deliver a speech at THINK Cloud for Government 2014 as part of a partnership between the company and a specialist UK conference series, THINK Events.
E-commerce and e-procurement company cloudBuy has announced it won a tender to supply Staffordshire County Council with a care marketplace.
Speaking at Think Cloud For Government 2014 yesterday, UK government CTO Liam Maxwell claimed that the government was moving towards £500m worth of IT savings by creating an 2open and competitive” market.
At yesterday’s Think Cloud For Government event, council leaders shared their G-Cloud experiences and some contradicted Government Digital Service (GDS) claims that the procurement framework has been a success.
Local government is potentially “wasting millions” on IT services, as new research reveals that councils across the UK are “ignoring” the G-Cloud framework.
The Criminal Justice System IT contains too many disparate systems and is taking too long to improve, according to the Public Accounts Committee (PAC).
The Department For Communities and Local Government (DCLG) has likened its digital transformation to “rebuilding a house while the people are still in it.”
Two councils in Devon have signed a contract with public sector IT systems supplier Civica to provide shared IT services.
A Department for Transport (DfT) review claims the Driver and Vehicle Licensing Agency’s (DVLA) digital transformation requires acceleration and expansion in order to achieve cost reduction and improved services.
The Department of Health (DoH) will now assess its civil servants’ digital skills as part of their performance reviews at the end of this year.
The Driver and Vehicle Licensing Agency (DVLA) is holding discussions with universities and start-ups in south Wales to promote the growth of local technology talent.
The Department for Work and Pensions (DWP) will be renewing its contract for disability reassessments with French IT firm Atos.