Home Office To Use G-Cloud For IT Transformation

Jul 03, 2014

The Home Office has revealed that it is intending to cut costs and size of IT contracts by turning to the G-Cloud procurement framework.

Currently, the Department’s two largest technology contracts are with Atos and Fujitsu – WHICH expire in 2016 and they will not renewed.

By turning to G-Cloud, the Home Office is supporting a wider government drive to break up the ‘oligopoly’ of large suppliers dominating public sector work with large, locked-in contracts.

The Department claims that going forwards, it will use government purchasing frameworks wherever possible to procure new technology, only using the Official Journal of the European Union (OJEU) tender process if absolutely necessary.

“Between now and 2016, we will move away from being locked into massive end-to-end contracts or tied to particular technologies, to a model in which we have far greater flexibility to change our IT in response to changing needs,” claimed the Department’s CTO Denise McDonagh.

ReSET 4 To Open The Market To SMEs

Earlier this week, the Home Office introduced its ReSET4 IT transformation plan, which the adoption of G-Cloud and other frameworks falls under.

One objective of the programme is to open up government business to smaller sized businesses and McDonagh has since expanded on this in a webcast.

“ReSET4 was established to change the way we build, procure and manage our IT to ensure we can deliver the high quality responsive service the Home Office needs,” she claimed.

“By 2020 the Home Office will look different to the way it looks today,” she added, as well as claiming she would be looking towards SMEs to replace the expiring contracts.

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