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"Embrace The Virtues Of The Internet" Says Iran President To Clerics
Iranian President, Hassan Rouhani, extolled the virtues of the Internet in a state speech on Monday. Rouhani's embracing of high-speed Internet has faced much opposition from political adversaries.
"Ensure A Bright Digital Future" Says Tech UK To Government
TechUK has just published “Securing our Digital Future” - a manifesto for ensuring technology drives the UK economy forward.
“Apply For Broadband Grants Before It’s Too Late” Urges Vaizey
Digital Economy Minister Ed Vaizey has urged businesses to apply for £3000 broadband grants before it’s too late.
“Digital Delivery Centre” Opens In Newcastle
HM Revenue and Customs (HMRC) opened a new digital delivery facility in Newcastle earlier this week.
“Significant Risk” To Scottish CAP Programme
A recent Holyrood Public Audit Committee hearing has heard that there is “significant” risk to the Scottish Common Agricultural Policy (CAP) Futures programme.
“Snooper’s Bill” Clears Parliament
The Data Retention and Investigatory Powers Bill, otherwise known as the Snooper’s Bill or Charter, has been successfully rushed through Parliament.
“The Public Sector Needs Digital First, Not Digital Only”
The UK government risks alienating the population if it takes a “digital only” approach rather than a “digital first” approach.
“We Build Digital By Default Services, Not Websites” Says GDS
The Government Digital Service (GDS) has claimed that although it doesn’t have to be part of the formal digital by default assessment process, it has opted to do so anyway.
£250m Government Pot To Take Superfast Broadband Round The UK
An extra £250m of government funding has been added to the £1.2m already invested in ensuring 95% of UK homes and businesses will have access to superfast broadband by 2017.
A ‘Roads Revolution’ To Solve The Congestion Problem
As the Government embarks on an £11 billion road revolution, Graham Bradley, UK Country Manager at INRIX, discusses how Smart Motorways can significantly reduce congestion on our roads.
A Fresh Start For The Digital Services Framework?
The Government Digital Service (GDS) has revealed it is already working on the third iteration of the Digital Services Framework (DS3) even though DS2 has yet to go live.
A 'Next Gen Skills Academy' May Help UK's Vital Creative Industries Sector
UK Commission for Employment and Skills is collaborating with the likes of Sony and Ubisoft on the project - which has is kicking off with a £6.5m government grant, too.
A Round-Up Of The General Election 2015 Manifestos
It’s general election time and the chance for the UK’s main political parties to convince the general public that they’re worth voting for.
Accountants Criticise HMRC RTI Glitches
Accountants have spoken out against HM Revenue and Customs’ (HMRC) Real Time Information (RTI) system, claiming there are a number of technical problems.
ADLV And DVLA Team Up For Real-Time Driving Licence Data
The Association for Driving Licence Verification (ADLV), a recently launched organisation to encourage best practice in the industry, has announced it is working closely with the DVLA.
Amnesty Condemns “Farcical” IPT Hearing
Human rights charity Amnesty International has called last week’s Investigatory Powers Tribunal (IPT) “farcical” due to government’s refusal to explicitly confirm or deny surveillance practices.
Amnesty International Has Been Spied On By GCHQ
Human rights organisation Amnesty International is calling for an inquiry following the Government Communications Headquarters (GCHQ) spy agency’s admission to using its resources to spy on them.
Analysing EuroCloud UK's G-Cloud Manifesto
Cloud computing industry advocate EuroCloud UK has launched a seven point manifesto that calls on vendors and government to work much closer together to ensure the future success of the G-Cloud framework.

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