Home Office Working To Reduce IT Supplier Barriers

Jul 01, 2014

The Home Office is developing a new transformation strategy that would see barriers to entry for IT suppliers lowered.

The Department’s ReSET4 programme aims to change the way it designs, procures and build IT systems while opening the market up to suppliers of any size.

The project seeks to do this by breaking down the Office’s core IT infrastructure into smaller component parts, claiming this will allow for more Agile technology.

It is also hope that the strategy will reduce technology costs for the Department, especially when a number of legacy contracts expire in 2016.

“ReSET4 will reduce the extent to which we are reliant on individual suppliers, moving away from large-scale contracts,” claimed the Home Office.

“This will mean we can be more flexible in the ways we approach system improvements and more responsive to the needs of our customers across the Home Office. It will also make it easier to adopt new technologies,” it added.

Size Of Contracts Stops SMEs

The Department says the challenge it faced when developing ReSET4 was the need to address the size of previous contracts which were so large they created a financial obstacle for SMEs.

“ReSET4 will lower the barriers to entry, creating a fairer and more competitive marketplace and encouraging a wider spectrum of suppliers to bid for smaller government contracts,” the Office claimed.

“As our core IT infrastructure becomes increasingly disaggregated we will need to change the types of IT capability we have in-house, particularly in the area of systems and service integration,” it added.

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