Ofcom Set To Review Sate Of UK Digital Communications

Mar 18, 2015

Independent UK communications regulator Ofcom has announced it will be reviewing whether the UK’s digital communications markets are meeting the needs of consumers and businesses.

The organisation will be examining competition, investment, innovation and the availability of products in the broadband, mobile and landline markets.

It will also focus on what it considers to be a range of issues in the sector, including ensuring the right incentives for private-sector investment, maintaining strong competition and identifying whether there is scope for deregulation in some areas.

“We have seen huge changes in the phone and broadband markets since our last major review a decade ago,” claimed Ofcom acting chief executive Steve Unger.

“Only five years ago, hardly any of us had used a tablet computer, high-definition streaming or 4G mobile and broadband.

“The boundaries between landline, mobile and broadband services continue to blur and people are enjoying faster services on a range of devices.

“Our new review will mean Ofcom’s rules continue to meet the needs of consumers and businesses by supporting competition and investment for years to come,” he added.

First Phase Expected In Summer

The first phase of the review will investigate current and future market factors that may affect digital communications services and current regulatory approaches.

To do this, Ofcom will engage with a wide range of stakeholders including industry, consumer groups, the government and devolved administrations via meetings and workshops.

The process is expected to conclude with a discussion document in summer 2015 and a second phase which will outline initial conclusions around the end of year.

© 24N.biz 

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