Procurement Innovation for Cloud Services in Europe (PICSE) is a newly-launched project seeking to support the uptake of cloud computing in Europe.
PICSE is funded by the European Commission’s Horizon 2020 programme, which is making €80bn of funding available from 2014-2020 for research and innovation.
With funding from the project, PICSE will set up a European Procurers’ Platform which it claims will raise the level of understanding of the issues surrounding procurement of cloud services.
The project is also developing a simpler innovative procurement model for public national and international organisations, aiming to set out a realistic roadmap for cloud procurement over the next five years.
PICSE intends to become the central point for the Public Sector Pre Commercial Procurement (PCP) and a Public Procurement of Innovation (PPI) community.
An event held in Frascati, Italy and hosted by the European Space Agency (ESA ESRIN) saw the Helix Nebula Initiative (HNI) and newly-launched PICSE introduced to the public.
Over 50 managers, cloud providers, policy makers, procurement and researchers attended the workshop Enabling a Dynamic Cloud Ecosystem.
At the event, an example of a PCP was present by Linda Strick, co-ordinator of the European Commission-funded Cloud for Europe project.
According to Strick, Cloud for Europe can be considered an instrument to boost cloud adoption in the public sector.
Pre-commercial procurement, a research and development process performed by the public sector with several suppliers in parallel to develop new solutions, could be a way to simplify the adoption of cloud computing in the public sector.
The public sector can define specifications together with the suppliers, performing a pre-procurement market consultation and then buy the services needed in an easy way.