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"Amazon Is Our Biggest Search Competitor" Says Google Chairman
Eric Schmidt gave a speech in Berlin where he explained that a “Google killer” is an inevitability and that it will come from where they least expect it.
"Let Users Decide Over Data" Says Germany To Google
A privacy watchdog for Hamburg, who was speaking on behalf of the entire country, has ruled that Google needs to allow users further control of how data is aggregated.
Belgium To Take Facebook On Over Local Privacy Law Concerns
The lawsuit will be heard on Thursday in Brussels, reports The Guardian.
Berners-Lee Wants European Net Neutrality
Creator of the web Sir Tim Berners-Lee has called for full net neutrality in Europe, a few days before the U.S. Federal Communications Commission (FCC) makes its own decision on net neutrality in America.
Brussels Unhappy Again With Google's Data Policies
A new case could begin as early as November - and the EU has already sent out questionnaires to companies that have worked with Google on Android.
BT And Unify Agreement Provides Unified Communications Across Europe
Companies in the UK, Belgium, the Netherlands, Luxembourg and Germany can benefit from the solution, with the UK roll out focused on the government and healthcare sectors.
Cloud Data Centres Becoming Attractive To Cyber Criminals
One of Europe’s top cyber crime chiefs has admitted that the cloud is being used by cyber criminals to distribute malware due to the off-premise status of data centres.
Cyber Security Advice From A Man Who Advised Two Presidents
As former cyber-security coordinator for the Obama administration, adviser to two presidents and consultant with Microsoft and the air force, Howard Schmidt is uniquely placed in cyber security.
Data Retrieval Straining IT Departments, Says Report
A new piece of research has found that big data is putting a big strain on IT teams in the UK and across Europe.
EC Takes Steps Towards Single Digital Market
The European Commission (EC) has introduced sixteen steps intended to help the European Union roll out a single digital market.
EE To Offer New SME Friendly Mobile Service
A business mobile plan that can easily scale with your organisation as it becomes successful and expands, claims the supplier.
EU Gathers Cybercrime Experts For Global Security Team
The EU's crime defence arm, Europol, has announced the formation of J-CAT, a global cybersecurity taskforce dedicated to dealing with "top-end [cyber] crimes."
EU Regulators Push For "Right To Be Forgotten" To Go Global
European privacy regulators have stated their intention to apply the “right to be forgotten” rule to the rest of the globe.
Europe Needs 800k Tech Savvy Workers By 2020
New trends such as machine-to-machine communications and cloud computing are opening great new opportunities, and Europe is in serious danger of missing out if it doesn’t produce enough experts in the field.
European Commission Wants Cloud Services Framework
The European Commission (EC) is tendering for a framework in which it will acquire its first cloud services.
European Governments Must Provide Better Support To Tech Industry Claims Larry Page
Google’s CEO said that Euro governments need to be more like Silicon Valley when it comes to investing in and celebrating technology.
European Parliament Votes In Favour Of Breaking Up Google
The European parliament has voted in favour of Google being broken up, in what is a major decision (to say the least) from the EU.
EYA Calls Upon Young Digital Social Entrepreneurs
The European Youth Award (EYA) has announced it is seeking young entrepreneurs engaged in innovative digital projects aimed at solving Europe's social challenges.
French Watchdog Wants Right To Be Forgotten To Go Global
When Google agrees to a user’s request to be “forgotten”, it must delete the links from all search engine results, not just the European versions of it, France’s data protection regulator said on Friday.
G-Cloud Revolutionary Moment For Government Procurement
G-Cloud programme director Tony Singleton has claimed that the introduction of the UK government’s Cloud First policy and the subsequent creation of G-Cloud are “revolutionary.”

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