West Midlands-based Wyre Forest District Council has begun offering residents an increase in choice and flexibility when it comes to paying local authority bills.
With the help of payments solutions provider allpay, the council is extended its range of payment outlets, allowing it to offer a service via more than 50 PayPoint outlets and Post Office branches in the area.
The local authority’s four-year contract with the supplier means it can move away from its traditional in-house payment collection and instead issue barcodes on letters that residents are able to scan to make payments.
The deal was made via a framework agreement with Consortium Procurement, which uses allpay as its framework partner for bill payment collection.
According to the firm, the framework removes the need to undertake a costly and time-consuming tender process.
“Having previously used our in-house payment system, we were keen to extend the number of outlets where people could pay their bills,” claimed Wyre Forest Cabinet Member for Resources and Transformation Nathan Desmond.
“Straight away this offers our residents more than 50 local outlets for payments increasing both choice and flexibility.
“allpay is an established name within local government and has a proven track record of delivering this services across the UK, thus providing a secure and cost effective choice for the council,” he added.
The firm’s market intelligence consultant Ross Macmillan is a firm believer in the benefits that flexible payment options can bring, having recently commented that offering benefits claimants more options could improve the troubled Universal Credit scheme.
“We’ve delighted to be able to expand Wyre Forest District Council’s payment options in a cost –effective way that will not only increase customer service through choice and flexibility, but will help to increase the authority’s collection rates,” claimed the company’s managing director Tony Killeen.
“The award of this contract shows allpay to be as competitive and innovative as ever and cements our position as the supplier of choice for local authority bill payments,” he added.
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