The service offers a 10% reward on every top up made by clients, which can be added to the rent account to reduce their overall monthly bill, claims the vendor.
Payment solutions provider allpay has announced its growth intentions, claiming it will enhance the current systems it offers.
Payments solutions provider allpay believes that the government’s troubled Universal Credit (UC) benefits programme could be saved by introducing more flexible payment options.
A public sector payments specialist has claimed that local government has a responsibility to offer the widest possible range of payment options if it is to successfully collect all council tax.
Bron Afon, a social housing association based in South Wales, is now able to offer its tenants much more flexibility in payments options with the help of payments solutions provider allpay.
A Hertfordshire-based housing association teamed up with a payments solutions specialist to revolutionise residents’ meal accounts.
Prior to implementing payment solutions provider allpay’s prepaid cards, Surrey County Council (SCC) struggled with low recovery rates of crisis loans administered by Job Centre Plus.
RCT Homes, Wales’ largest social housing landlord, has transformed its rent collection process with the help of payment solutions provider allpay.
Sharing Universal Credit (UC) claimant information with social landlords and local authorities help them provide better support to tenants.
West Midlands-based Wyre Forest District Council has begun offering residents an increase in choice and flexibility when it comes to paying local authority bills.