A Fresh Start For The Digital Services Framework?

Mar 30, 2015

The Government Digital Service (GDS) has revealed it is already working on the third iteration of the Digital Services Framework (DS3) even though DS2 has yet to go live.

DS2 is currently in the supplier evaluation stage, but GDS claims it is taking into account all the feedback from the first iteration of the framework to inform its work going forward.

The Digital Services Framework recently joined the G-Cloud procurement framework on the Digital Marketplace and GDS says the updated Digital Services will be evolved in line with its service design principles.

GDS has formed a multidisciplinary team known as the Digital Services Team which includes employees of the Crown Commercial Service (CCS) with knowledge of procurement, agile delivery, service design, communications, content design and user research.

As the framework content develops, this team is set to expanding in order to include the Treasury Solicitor’s Department (TSol).

The key themes GDS is focusing as it builds DS3 are buyer needs for the delivery of digital projects, how suppliers feel they can best meet those needs, the level of trust, evaluation and support that buyers expect and want and other similar frameworks in the public and private sector.

The organisation will be validating these themes with buyers and suppliers and drawing on its already-existing pool of user findings.

ITT Process To Begin Shortly

GDS intends to take an agile approach and will be inviting prospective suppliers to tender and publishing the documentation for feedback after the pre-Election period has ended.

Any feedback will be considered against buyer needs, overall market needs and compliance with both EU legislation and government digital policy.

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04/11/2017 08:50

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04/11/2017 08:50



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