Search Results

Big Blue's Mixed Figures Give Market Something To Chew Over
IBM has announced its 4th quarter results for 2015, which showed a slightly better than expected performance, still had a few shocks for Wall St.
Could The Internet Of Things Create An Explosion In Software License Costs?
Software license management is already highly complex and potentially about to get even more so, as the Internet of Things (IoT) starts to take hold. Here's all you need to know.
Crisis Deepens As Research Shows Nearly All Heartbleed Detection Tools Are Failing
Cybersecurity consultancy Hut3 has warned that most free detection tools being used to detect the Heartbleed bug are failing in their job, putting websites at risk.
Forrester Predicts $640BN Global Software Splurge
A new report from Forrester has predicted that software sales will grow significantly over the next two years, due to organisations stepping up their cloud and software-as-a-service (SaaS) adoption in 2016 and 2017.
Google Cloud Platform Gets PCI Certification, Now Accepts Online Payments
Google has announced that its cloud platform has been validated for compliance with the Payment Card Industry (PCI) Data Security Standards (DSS).
HP Touting World's 'First' Software Defined Networking App Store
The idea: allow developers to offer applications to companies in a range of categories and alongside HP’s own offerings.
IBM Offers Education Resources To Disabled IT Users
Staff and students with intellectual and physical disabilities will soon be able to access more than 300 educational and clinical applications securely, promises Big Blue.
Infographic: Top 20 IT Asset Management Software Options
There is a lot of choice in the market when it comes to picking the right ITAM software for your company, but Camterra has made it a little easier for us, it seems.
Intel Offers New Security Service Claiming It Makes Electronic Payments Safer
The chip maker claims to have developed a new hardware-software bundle that uses multiple security layers, offering greater protection to retail transactions.
Life In The Digital Marketplace, 3: TechnologyOne, Maidenhead
In the next in our series looking at established Digital Marketplace suppliers, we meet with Roger Phare of TechnologyOne - an Australian company making waves here on the other side of the world.
London Council Aims To Save £95m Through SaaS Crowdsourcing Initiative
Lewisham Council has enlisted the help of Wazoku to devise the We.Create scheme that will help it to source ideas from its own staff in order to save millions.
Microsoft Steps Up Security For Windows 10
The software giant is trying to tempt enterprise firms to adopt the new OS after the disappointment of Windows 8, by introducing a host of new security features.
Mozilla To Launch "Developer Friendly" Browser
The open-source firm will officially reveal the browser on 10 November, aiming to simplify the development of web-based software and enabling developers to “debug the whole web.”
NHS Scotland Sets Out To Replace 25-Year-Old Software
NHS National Services Scotland (NSS) is set to replace aging legacy mainframe applications which underpin a number of key systems used within the Scottish healthcare system.
Opinion: The Next 25 Years Of Software - What To Expect?
For Gary Turner of Xero, the next 25 will be even more exciting.
Oracle Overhauls IBM To Take Second Place Behind Microsoft In Software Vendor Market
A pure cloud vendor,, entered the top ten for the first time as the market looks like veering towards cloud services in its developed market strongholds.
Researchers Warn Businesses That Mobile Apps Are "Disposable"
With the rise of smartphones, mobile apps may be all the rage, but many users are pretty fickle when it comes to the software on their handset, regularly deleting programs.
Samsung Aims To Help Bring Internet Access To Disabled Users
Samsung has revealed a new, updated version of its eye-tracking mouse, aimed at making using a computer more accessible to those with disabilities.
Security Firm Launches IT Risk Management Software
A cloud-based risk assessment software for ISO27001 has been launched by “Information Security as a Service” company InfoSaaS.
Tech Companies Urge Obama To Protect Data Encyption
Two US associations from the tech industry have written an open letter to US president Barack Obama, showing their concerns about US policies regarding data encryption.

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