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73% Of Chinese Pro Wearable; Only 27% Of Brits
The UK is behind the curve when it comes to the adoption of wearable technology - both at home and at work, according to a new survey.
A Coming 'World War (Gen) Z'?
Ricoh claims many older employees in the UK and Ireland expect workplace tensions to increase with the arrival of a new generation of workers into their companies - an unprecedented 'fourth generation.'
Could The Skills Gap Actually Be About... The Recruiters?
The shortage of tech talent in the UK is not as straightforward as we thought – it’s not just about the country not having enough actual people; the problem is also in the recruiters, a Stack Overflow probe suggests.
Employees Admit They Don't Care About Safety Of Company Files
Bring your own device (BYOD) initiative, in which people use their personal devices for work as well, is a real thing.
Figures Suggest Big Upsurge In Outsourcing
During the first half of 2015, one might have said that outsourcing in the UK has seen better days - but by the end of the year, a total of £5.67bn of UK such agreements got inked.
UK Workers May See More Flexibility From 30th June
New research indicates that there will soon be a dramatic shift in attitudes to flexible working across the UK.

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