The sheer number of sites attempting to revoke and reissue their security certificates following the reveal of Heartbleed could have an effect on the speed of browsers, say analysts.
Iranian President, Hassan Rouhani, extolled the virtues of the Internet in a state speech on Monday. Rouhani's embracing of high-speed Internet has faced much opposition from political adversaries.
The sole purpose of the Federal Communications Commission is to regulate cable, satellite, radio, television, wired and wireless communications.
Can you function without an internet connection? We’d hope so, but another study has emerged which has shown that young folks find net connectivity and smartphones are just as important as fresh air to breathe.
Yesterday Newcastle launched Go Digital Newcastle, an economy boosting plan intended to turn the city into one of the UK’s first super-connected metropolises.
Digital Economy Minister Ed Vaizey has urged businesses to apply for £3000 broadband grants before it’s too late.
A recent report by communications regulator Ofcom has found that although superfast broadband is on the rise in the UK, the rollout is uneven across the country.
HM Revenue and Customs (HMRC) opened a new digital delivery facility in Newcastle earlier this week.
The Data Retention and Investigatory Powers Bill, otherwise known as the Snooper’s Bill or Charter, has been successfully rushed through Parliament.
An extra £250m of government funding has been added to the £1.2m already invested in ensuring 95% of UK homes and businesses will have access to superfast broadband by 2017.
Virgin Media has today announced the addition of six more stations across the capital, bringing the service that it launched two years ago up to the landmark figure.
Customers are increasingly opting to use a smartphone, tablet or PC to make bill payments as trust and security are finally persuading consumers to leave behind traditional services.
The two will cooperate to strengthen "the understanding, research and development" of the next-generation breed of superfast networks.
New figures from the Office for National Statistics showed that just 13 per cent of the UK population’s adults have never gone online.
Remote areas in upper Scotland, Wales and some rural areas in England are kept out of the Internet due to poor broadband speed and consistency, confirms new report.
Aberdeen is now home to Scotland’s first Gigabit City – a project that aims to provide areas in need with fibre network infrastructure.
Human rights charity Amnesty International has called last week’s Investigatory Powers Tribunal (IPT) “farcical” due to government’s refusal to explicitly confirm or deny surveillance practices.
Analytics company App Annie claims that suggestions that the popularity of smartphone apps is on the wane are greatly exaggerated.
According to Gartner, IoT's bubble of expectation is soon going to burst.
According to startups, London’s blooming technology scene is being stifled by a frustratingly easy problem to fix: Poor Internet connection services.