Healthcare software provider Advanced Health and Care has been appointed to the NHS Shared Business Services (SBS) Healthcare Clinical Information Systems framework.
The Crown Commercial Service (CCS) has revealed it seeking a replacement for the Contingent Labour One Framework for the provision of temporary workers.
The tendering process for a pan-London public sector procurement framework, worth up to £200m, has begun.
The Government Digital Service (GDS) has launched what it calls a Digital Inclusion Outcomes Framework in a bid to track how digitally inclusive the UK is becoming.
American tech giant IBM today introduced two mainframe servers, both running only on the open-source Linux operating system.
The Scottish Government will be seeking suppliers to provide it with a framework for the delivery managed IT services.
In the first of another new content format, welcome to The Digital Marketplace Contenders - a window into the experiences of all the new UK tech SMEs coming forward to get onto the G-Cloud.
What happened to all that talk of creating new industries out of all our public data? The MD of a supercomputer firm says, It's happening - slowly.