The BBC has revealed it intends to make changes to the way it procures and manages its largest strategic technology contracts to save £90m over the next two years.
HMRC is aiming to save the taxpayer by £800,000 by March 2015 with its iForms project which is currently digitising 500 different paper forms.
UK firms wanting to reap cost savings from virtualisation are “in for a shock” because of licensing non-compliance costs, claims a CEO.
The London Borough of Hounslow has recently extended a contract with an existing supplier to continue with its digital transformation.
Hull City Council has chosen a company to take over the running of its Revenues and Benefits service, including the payment of housing benefit, collection of council tax, business rates and debt.
The Northern Ireland Department of Health, Social Services and Public Safety (DHSSPS) expects to save £43m over a ten-year period after implementing a new IT systems project.
A “technology gap” is causing the public sector to miss out on £7.2bn worth of annual savings, according to new research.
A Scottish planning application website will have saved £71m by 2020 the Scottish government has claimed.