National Parks England and the Mobile Operators Association have inked a landmark deal to improve mobile signal in remote areas, while minimising any environmental impact.
Any premises that is committed to protecting those using its services from inappropriate content can now display a logo that proves that.
The UK government, along with industry, has backed a new set of qualifications aimed at supplying the demand for workers with skills required to perform in a digital job.
Digital Economy Minister Ed Vaizey has revealed a new online training course aimed at helping legal and accountancy professionals protect themselves from cyber-attacks.
Digital Economy Minister Ed Vaizey has called on public and industry to share their ideas on how the UK’s digital revolution can be taken to the next stage.
Ed Vaizey has set out the government’s stance on how to tackle cold calls, and the Nuisance Calls Task Force’s recommendations for dealing with cold callers in a piece on the Which website.
Ed Vaizey tells the Financial Times he has some scepticism over the plan, worrying the "huge undertaking" could backfire "in a number of ways".
Following the launch of techUK’s Securing Our Digital Future, The techUK Manifesto for Growth and Jobs 2015-20, a group of MPs have offered their support.
Are UK SMEs failing to properly train staff on how to stop critical cyber breaches?
Joanna Shields, Chair of Tech City UK, will be joining the Prime Minister’s Digital Taskforce as adviser on the country's digital economy, while current Dragon's Den TV star and business expert Piers Linney is also being offered a consulting role in central government.