The London Borough of Croydon Council has adopted a secure file transfer solution which has allowed it to transition to a new, modern, paperless office environment.
Companies House, the government agency responsible for incorporating and dissolving limited companies, has taken dramatic steps to reduce paper use and become a digital organisation.
NHS Shared Business Services (NHS SBS) has transformed its supply chain, enhanced its payments processes, removed paper invoicing and improved payment times for its suppliers.
The Driver and Vehicle Licensing Agency (DVLA) has announced it will be moving half of the two-part driving license online on 8 June, removing the need for drivers to carry the paper section of the license.
Gloucestershire Hospitals NHS Foundation Trust has selected a wi-fi provider to support its new clinical SmartCare project and patient services.
HMRC is aiming to save the taxpayer by £800,000 by March 2015 with its iForms project which is currently digitising 500 different paper forms.
Four NHS Trusts have recently selected a Vendor Neutral Archive (VNA) content platform as a standards-based route for next generation patient data handling.
Health Secretary Jeremy Hunt weekend promise of £4bn for the purpose is being welcomed by the UK IT world.
A Freedom of Information (FOI) request has revealed that NHS Tayside spent £200,000 on iPads and smartphones from April 2011 to December 2014.
Rochdale Metropolitan Borough Council has adopted a new case management system which has revolutionised its legal department.
Recent waffle about how digital health is going to make our lives better masks the reality of a much less cool, hi-tech cost-cutting agenda. Should we not be more honest about that?
The Wrightington, Wigan and Leigh (WWL) NHS Foundation Trust has adopted a new electronic patient record (EPR) platform in a bid to meet Health Secretary Jeremy Hunt’s paperless NHS proposal.