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£250m Government Pot To Take Superfast Broadband Round The UK
An extra £250m of government funding has been added to the £1.2m already invested in ensuring 95% of UK homes and businesses will have access to superfast broadband by 2017.
Andy Nelson, DWP CIO, Steps Down After One Year
Andy Nelson, CIO for the Department of Work and Pensions (DWP) has resigned after spending just over a year in the role.
Broadband Voucher Scheme Attracting SME Interest, Says Government
£150m Super Connected Cities Scheme for 22 UK cities in order to develop a digital infrastructure seems to be going well, says DCMS.
BT 'Lacklustre' Broadband Rollout Comes Under Attack
Millions still without any Internet connection and slower speeds than promised, say critics.
Cabinet Completes Trials Of New Technology
The Cabinet Office has completed trials of new technology including lightweight laptops and tablets, Google Apps, Evernote, Libre Office and new printers.
Cabinet Office Minister Stresses Importance Of Digital Technology In Government
Francis Maude, Minister for the Cabinet Office, has claimed that digital technology is a “crucial” tool for reforming government services.
Cabinet Office Replacing PHRF Systems
The Cabinet Office has revealed it is seeking a replacement for the current Payroll, Human Resources and Finance Services (PHRF) used by the UK public sector.
Call For Design Heads In Government Departments
The Design Commission, the research arm of the All-Party Parliamentary Design and Innovation Group, has asked all UK government Departments to consider hiring a head of design.
Citizens Lack Belief In Government’s Digital Services
Only 2% of UK citizens believe in the government’s ability to offer digital public services in a way that positively impacts their lives, according to market research firm YouGov and the Citrix Synergy Conference.
Clarity Is Needed For Universal Credit “End State”
The Department for Work and Pensions (DWP) Select Committee has released a report that calls for a series of actions from the Department to address concerns about Universal Credit (UC).
CloudStore Suppliers Call For G-Cloud Improvements in Open Letter
In an open letter to GDS (Government Digital Services), cloud services company Skyscape praises the successes of G-Cloud to date while raising some concerns it feels need to be addressed ahead of G-Cloud 5 going to tender in February.
Coalition Has Changed The Face Of Government IT
Speaking at Think Cloud For Government 2014 yesterday, UK government CTO Liam Maxwell claimed that the government was moving towards £500m worth of IT savings by creating an 2open and competitive” market.
Did You Know The 30-Year Rule's Now 20?
The timeframe for releasing archived records into the public domain has changed from 30 years to 20. To most people, changing a requirement from a very long time to a long time doesn’t sound that dramatic. But for the organisations charged with meeting that commitment, it’s a big step, says Iron Mountain's Phil Greenwood.
Digital Progress Report Released By GDS
The Government Digital Service (GDS) has released the latest of its quarterly reports detailing the progress of the government’s digital progress and what the service is working on in coming months.
Digital Services Framework Used For Universal Credit
The UC Digital Transformation Project seeks to use digital services to overhaul the welfare system and unify six benefits into one.
Digital Transformation Contributes To £14.3bn Government Savings
The Cabinet Office has claimed that over £200m has been saved by improving the government’s digital services from 2013-2014.
DVLA Set To Scrap Paper Driving Licences Later This Year
The Driver and Vehicle Licensing Agency (DVLA) has announced it will be moving half of the two-part driving license online on 8 June, removing the need for drivers to carry the paper section of the license.
GCHQ Surveillance Of Human Rights Group Is Illegal Says Tribunal
A judicial tribunal has ruled the Government Communications Headquarters surveillance of two international human rights groups was illegal, another strike on the spying department’s murky record.
G-Cloud And Other Whitehall IT Projects “At Risk”
Government watchdog the Major Projects Authority (MPA) has warned that 20 major government IT projects, including G-Cloud, require urgent action.
G-Cloud Sees Positive Start to Year with £15m Sales
Figures released last week by the government put the running total of G-Cloud sales since the beginning at £92.7m, up from last month’s running total of £77.8m, placing January sales around the £15m mark.

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