CloudStore Suppliers Call For G-Cloud Improvements in Open Letter

Jan 24, 2014
In an open letter to GDS (Government Digital Services), cloud services company Skyscape praises the successes of G-Cloud to date while raising some concerns it feels need to be addressed ahead of G-Cloud 5 going to tender in February. 
The letter, signed by 14 G-Cloud suppliers, urges the government to reform what the group claim are ongoing CloudStore issues with contract length and terms and conditions for safe contracting. For example the letter claims the current maximum contract term of two years “prevents” many buyers from using the service, a term that should be raised to three to “encourage the immediate take up of cloud services.”
Should the suggestions be implemented, there will be benefits for UK public sector buyers, suppliers and tax payers, claim the signatories. 
The letter also claims there are issues with the level of understanding among public sector buyers around the G-Cloud buying guide, there are often instances where this guide is not followed. 
The letter calls instead for a system to be put in place to report variances from the buying guide to protect the future of the framework. 
The letter also calls for more clarity on the Government Protective Marking Scheme (GPMS) changes and PGA accreditation to dispel any confusion about the way the changes will apply to G-Cloud 5. 
The 14 CloudStore suppliers who have signed the letter are:
  • Azeus
  • Bird and Bird
  • Datatank
  • Huddle
  • Informed Solutions
  • Konetic
  • Lockheed Martin UK
  • MDS Technologies Limited
  • Osborne Clarke
  • Roc Technologies
  • SFW
  • The Agile Consultancy
  • Vysionics ITS Ltd
  • Westminster City Council




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