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Working From Home

May 02, 2018

When you first form a company, it’s likely you’ll be working on your new business from home rather than an office – here are some tips for home-working success

If you’ve just started a business, chances are that to begin with, you’ll be running that business from your own home, rather than external premises. If you’re used to a different working environment, working from home can initially seem difficult, so here are our top tips for ensuring your day goes well.

Get ready for the day

When working from home, it can be tempting to start working as soon as you wake up or wear your pyjamas all day. If you avoid this and instead get ready for your day as you would if you were heading to an office or other external place of work, you’ll help yourself get in the right mindset for the day.

Take regular breaks

Regular breaks, wherever you work, are essential for continued concentration and productivity. Because you’re your own boss now, you’re not limited to the standard lunch hour many traditional employees must stick to. Take regular breaks when you need them and make sure you use these breaks to get fresh air and physically walk away from your workspace to keep you refreshed and motivated.

Be clear with friends and family what your working hours are

You may find that when you first start working from home, your friends and family are under the impression that this means you now have significantly more free time. There may be an expectation that they can drop in to see you unannounced or that you can leave the house at any time. However, this can negatively impact your productivity. If you set clear boundaries from the beginning, you can minimise the potential for disruption.

Have a space dedicated to working

While it may seem tempting to work from your bed or the sofa, this may impact your ability to get enough work done. Set aside some dedicated space for your work, it can be a spot on the dining room table or if you have the space, a whole office, and once you have created this space, ensure you use it for this purpose. This will signal to your mind each day that you are ready to work now and means other areas of your home can remain dedicated towards relaxation.

Know what you need to achieve each day

You need to take charge of each day if you are going to succeed with working from home. Ensure you have a solid plan each week and a daily to do list of tasks that will ensure you achieve your goals. Without a boss telling you what to do, it’s all too easy to find yourself procrastinating or carrying out unessential tasks. If you get into the habit of organising and planning, you can ensure you stay on track and keep your business running smoothly.

If you feel overwhelmed, we have some tips on managing a heavy work load.


@UKPLC Company Registrations


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