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“Report An Immigration Crime” Tool Not Live
The UK Border Force has had a request to have its “Report an Immigration or Smuggling Crime” project to be branded as “live digital by default” rejected.
“We Build Digital By Default Services, Not Websites” Says GDS
The Government Digital Service (GDS) has claimed that although it doesn’t have to be part of the formal digital by default assessment process, it has opted to do so anyway.
A Fresh Start For The Digital Services Framework?
The Government Digital Service (GDS) has revealed it is already working on the third iteration of the Digital Services Framework (DS3) even though DS2 has yet to go live.
Budget 2015: What Does It Mean For The Public Sector, Technology And Business?
Chancellor George Osborne revealed that the UK economy grew faster than any other advanced economy in yesterday’s Budget, but is it all good news?
Cabinet Office Outlines Progress Plan For GOV.UK Verify
The Cabinet Office has explained how it intends to continue moving forward with its identity assurance scheme, recently named GOV.UK Verify.
Cabinet Office Seeks Partner For Datacentre
The Cabinet Office and the Government Digital Service (GDS) are on the hunt for a private sector partner to take a stake in a new data hosting company.
Campaign Group Urges Government To Support “Disruptive Innovation”
The Coalition for a Digital Economy (Coadec), a group that campaigns to support UK digital startups, has called upon government to give smaller tech businesses a better chance.
Carer’s Allowance Exemplar Is Now Live
The online application form for Carer’s Allowance has become the latest digital by default live exemplar service.
CBI Wants To See More Investment In GDS
The Confederation of British Industry (CBI), a business lobbying organisation for employers, has called for a “scaled-up” Government Digital Service (GDS).
Central Government Still Dominates Total Spend Via G-Cloud
The Government Digital Service (GDS) has published the latest G-Cloud sales figures, revealing that 79% of total sales by value were through central government, leaving just 21% by the wider public sector.
Civil Service Plan Reveals CCS And GDS Changes
The updated Civil Service Plan for 2014/15, published last week by the Civil Service, has revealed changes to the Crown Commercial Service (CCS) and the Government Digital Service (GDS).
CloudStore Suppliers Call For G-Cloud Improvements in Open Letter
In an open letter to GDS (Government Digital Services), cloud services company Skyscape praises the successes of G-Cloud to date while raising some concerns it feels need to be addressed ahead of G-Cloud 5 going to tender in February.
Coalition Has Changed The Face Of Government IT
Speaking at Think Cloud For Government 2014 yesterday, UK government CTO Liam Maxwell claimed that the government was moving towards £500m worth of IT savings by creating an 2open and competitive” market.
Deputy Government CTO Appointed
The UK government has appointed Magnus Falk as deputy CTO to support CTO Liam Maxwell.
Digidentity Joins List Of Approved Identity Assurance Suppliers
A second certified company, or “identity provider”, has joined the UK’s identity assurance programme, known as GOV.UK Verify.
Digital Marketplace Is “Evolving”
The government’s new Digital Marketplace, which is set to become the home of G-Cloud and the Digital Services framework, is set to include a wider range of frameworks originally intended.
Digital Marketplace Officially Opened By Francis Maude
The new Digital Marketplace, an amalgamation of government procurement frameworks including Digital Services and G-Cloud, is now open for business.
Digital Marketplace Opens For Business
The Government Digital Service (GDS) is encouraging buyers to start using the new Digital Marketplace ahead of its official launch date later this month.
Digital Progress Report Released By GDS
The Government Digital Service (GDS) has released the latest of its quarterly reports detailing the progress of the government’s digital progress and what the service is working on in coming months.
Digital Services Store To Join Marketplace Early 2015
The Digital Services Store, a place for government buyers to procure digital services in an agile way, is set to join the new Digital Marketplace in Q1 2015.

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