Central Government Still Dominates Total Spend Via G-Cloud

Nov 25, 2014

The Government Digital Service (GDS) has published the latest G-Cloud sales figures, revealing that 79% of total sales by value were through central government, leaving just 21% by the wider public sector.

Of the £346m worth of sales reported so far, £275m can be attributed to central government, while the wider public accounts for £47.1m and local government is responsible for £20.8m.

During last month, Bristol City Council made 38 separate sales via G-Cloud, while Peterborough City Council spent £91,520 on website redevelopment services.

The remaining sales of £1.76m and £1.26m were spent by “other” and not-for-profits respectively.

SMEs, defined as suppliers with 250 employees or less and turnover that doesn’t exceed €50m or an annual balance sheet total that does not exceed €43m, were awarded 53%, or £184m, of total sales by value.

A look at monthly sales reveals that spending on G-Cloud fell from £30.7m in September 2014 to £26.5m in October.

Meanwhile, specialist cloud services remains the top category of service purchased though the procurement framework, followed by Infrastructure as a Service (IaaS), Software as a Service (SaaS) and Platform as a Service (Paas).

Digital Services Figures Updated Ahead Of Move To Marketplace

GDS has also updated its Digital Services Framework spend figures, claiming to date, 23 contracts have been awarded to 18 suppliers.

Of these, 10 suppliers are SMEs and a further seven deals are awaiting a final agreement.

The total value of Call-Off’s is £13.6m.

The new figures were released shortly after it was announced the new Digital Marketplace is the new location to procure G-Cloud services and the Digital Services Framework will be joining in the new year.

For more about G-Cloud, attend Think Cloud Vendors on 9th December 2014

© 24N.biz 

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