DWP Issues Pre-Tender For IT Transformation

Jul 01, 2014

The Department for Work and Pensions (DWP) seems to be experiencing trouble deciding whether to replace or renew its major tech contracts.

Last month, DWP revealed the first steps it was taking towards its digital transformation, including a stronger focus on the government’s commitment to SMEs and a tower model IT approach.

However, as some the Department’s major ICT contracts come up for renewal, a pre-tender has been published revealing that it is seeking advice on the best solution.

Appearing in the Official Journal of the European Union (OJEU), the prior information notes states DWP’s IT Transformation Programme (ITTP) is tasked with “determining the optimal approach to replacing or renewing the Department’s major contracts.”

The contracts are due to end either year or next and DWP claims they “provide virtually all of the IT that is needed to support business services.”

According the OJEU document, the ITTP main objectives are:

  • to help determine the shape of IT needed by the business for contracting beyond the expiry of existing contracts
  • ensure that consensus is obtained for corporate IT and the business on the direction of travel, taking account of strategic and practical considerations
  • ensure the continuity of supply to DWP by implementing the chosen strategies within time and budget constraints.

ITTP “Critical” To DWP Operations

The Department claims that these objectives will help it to maintain the continuity of supply for critical IT services, enable it to secure continuous service improvements and provide flexibility for Departmental change and the platform for further customer service enhancements.

DWP expects two contracts to arise from the pre-tender, both lasting for three years with an expected value of between £5.25m and £7.25m.

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