G-Cloud Sales Pass £500m Mark

Mar 26, 2015

The Government Digital Service (GDS) has published the latest G-Cloud sales revealing that the total spent via the framework since it opened have reached £517m.

The published figures also reveal that there remains a fine line between the number of SMEs and number of large companies winning business via G-Cloud.

SMEs were awarded 49% of total sales by value and 59% by volume for all sales via the framework to date.

However, central government still uses G-Cloud the most – it was accountable for 76% of total sales by value whereas just 24% came from the wider public sector.

Specialist cloud services remains the most popular lot on the framework, although Infrastructure as a Service (IaaS) has overtaken Software as a Service (SaaS) while Platform as a Service (PaaS) remains the least popular.

During February, central government spent a total of £27m in contract with local government which spent £1.9m.

The wider public sector as a whole, including local government, spent £9.9m on G-Cloud last month.

Differences Between Two Frameworks

GDS has also offered data relating to sales via the Digital Services Framework which was recently moved onto the Digital Marketplace.

To date, just over £12m has been spent via this framework but there is less balance between SMEs and larger companies winning business.

SMEs accounts for just 38% of total sales by value from the Digital Services Framework compared to nearly half of sales on the G-Cloud.

There is also a much wider central government and wider public sector divide on Digital Services, as Whitehall accounts for 84% of total sales and 16% can be attributed to the wider public sector.

© 24N.biz 

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