Director of performance and delivery at the Government Digital Service (GDS) Richard Sargeant has revealed he is set to join the Home Office next month as director of transformation.
According to Sergeant’s twitter posting announcing the move, he is excited to by joining the Department and is very thankful to GDS and Mike Bracken and GDS for the last three and a half years.
Bracken is currently head of GDS, but recently announced he is leaving the Service to take on a new role at the Co-Operative Group.
Bracken’s announcement appears to have triggered a number of moves, as shortly after his revelation, his deputy director Tom Loosemore, design director Ben Terrett and strategy director Russell Davies also announced their departure.
Chris Ferguson, who was previously GOV.UK Verify programme director has since stepped up to lead the GDS Digital group whilst Felicity Singleton, current programme director of Government as a Platform is going to lead on Digital Policy and Departmental Engagement.
“We have a growing number of leaders at GDS who are ready to step up and lead the digital transformation,” claimed Stephen Foreshew-Cain, GDS chief operating officer (COO).
“Beyond them, we have helped to recruit a network of digital and technology leaders into government, such as Norman Driskell at Home Office, Mayank Prakash at DWP and Sarah Wilkinson at HO amongst them.
“As we continue to develop the digital and technology profession in government there can only be more opportunity for digital and technology specialists,” he added.
The G-Cloud Digital Marketplace development has also received a new leader in the form of Stephen Allott, who is moving from his role as Cabinet Office Crown Representative for SMEs.