G-Cloud programme director Tony Singleton has revealed transforming the way the public sector buys digital services is still high on the Government Digital Service (GDS) agenda.
In the June update on the Digital Marketplace blog, Singleton also claims the conversation about how Cloud First can help the way IT services are delivered by Departments needs to remain open.
Recently, the G-Cloud procurement framework has been subject to lots of criticism, including a large debate about the value the network holds for local government.
According to the blog post, there will now be an increased focus on how local authorities use G-Cloud and the Digital Services framework.
Singleton quotes Chris Chant, who he claims was responsible for setting up the strategy for the use of cloud computing across the public sector.
“Local authorities and the wider public sector have been doing far better at delivering lower-cost user-centric IT services than central government for as long as I can remember,” Chant is claimed to have said.
In response to this, the G-Cloud director says that GDS is in talks with public sector IT representative body Socitm and councils including Warwickshire on how the framework can be improved.
Singleton claims a joint piece of research to establish what local councils need in their digital and cloud services will be carried out.
He also notes that the drive for G-Cloud awareness will continue into July and beyond, as he promised in the May update blog post.
“The team have been out and about talking at several other regional event including Wales, Derby, Bristol, Liverpool and Cambridge,” Singleton writes.
“We’ll be continuing to do more events alongside the Crown Commercial Service (CCS), local authorities and SMEs to help buyers share their experiences and for us all to learn from,” he adds.
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